130 S. 4th Street, Santa Rosa, NM 88435
Guadalupe County
Proudly serving our community since 1909
Treasurer's Office
Online Resources
Treasurer's Calendar
October 1
The tax roll is transferred from the County Assessor to the County Treasurer.
Important Dates
The Guadalupe County Treasurer’s Office works on a tax calendar instead of a standard yearly calendar. Here are some important dates to remember
November 1
Tax bills are mailed
November 10 through December 10
First half taxes are due
April 10 through May 10
Second half taxes are due
Have Questions?
Feel free to contact us or stop by!
Office: (575) 472-3133
1448 Historic Rt. 66, Suite 4
Santa Rosa, NM 88435

Susan Bailey, Treasurer - sbailey@guadco.us
Julie Delgado, Chief Deputy Treasurer - jdelgado@guadco.us
Carolyn Madrid, Deputy Treasurer- cmadrid@guadco.us
November 1
Treasurer mails tax bills to property owners. This is the only bill taxpayers will receive.
November 10
1st half taxes become due.
December 10
Due date for payment of 1st half taxes. Penalty and Interest will accrue after the 10th of each month until first half property taxes paid in full.
April 10
2nd half taxes become due.
May 10
Due date for payment of 2nd half taxes. Penalty and Interest will accrue after the 10th of each month until property taxes are paid in full.
Delinquent Tax Notices are prepared and mailed to delinquent property owners.
July 15
Treasurer’s Office submits property tax delinquency list to State of New Mexico for collection. Includes only those properties with taxes delinquent for more than 2 years.
The Treasurer’s Office is the property tax collector and investor of public funds and Solid Waste Collections for the County of Guadalupe. The mission of the Treasurers Office is to faithfully execute the duties of the Treasurer and to stay in compliance with all New Mexico State Statutes and all New Mexico Taxation & Revenue Department/Property Tax Division rules and regulations.
The Treasurers Office receives assessed valuation, the tax rate and the amount of taxes due from the Assessors Office and has an obligation to collect all taxes and fees owed on personal and real property in Guadalupe County.
Our tax bills are mailed out before November 1 of each year. At leas one half the current year taxes must be paid by December 10 to avoid delinquent charges of interest and penalties. The second half payment becomes due April 10 and must be paid by may 10 to avoid delinquent charges. Approximately 5000 tax bills are mailed out annually.
Delinquency notices are mailed out on June 30 of each year on tax bills that are 30 days or more delinquent. A $125.00 state processing cost will be added by the County Treasurer to delinquent property accounts transferred to the Property Tax Division for collection. If the property taxes are not paid within three years form the date of delinquency, the real property will be sold and a deed issued by the Property Tax Division of New Mexico.
Property Taxes and Solid Waste may be paid in person, by mail, through mortgage companies or online. Our website is guadalupecountynm.org.
Our office hours are Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The staff is available to assist with all property tax matters.