130 S. 4th Street, Santa Rosa, NM 88435
Guadalupe County
Proudly serving our community since 1909
Guadalupe County Administration Office

Dr. Randal Brown - rbrown@guadco.us
Ricky Chavez - ricky.chavez@guadco.us
Ernest E. Chavez - echavez@guadco.us
County Commissioners
Have Questions?
Feel free to contact us or stop by!
Office: (575) 472-3306
130 S. 4th Street
Santa Rosa, NM 88435

Diana Urban, County Manager - diana.urban@guadco.us
Billy Lynch, IT Director - bill@guadco.us
Joseph Salas, Finance Officer - jsalas@guadco.us
Yolanda Chavez, Payroll Tech. - ychavez@guadco.us
Polly Chavez, Payroll Tech. - polly.chavez@guadco.us
Andres Zamora, Senior Center Director - andres.zamora@guadco.us
Rebecca Benavidez, Projects Coordinator - rbenavidez@guadco.us
Ben Rael, Emergency Manager - brael@guadco.us
The administration office deals with non- elected officials, and rather holds admin positions such as Finance Director and of course County Manager.
County Manager
The county manager deals with people and problems on a daily basis. This position directly assists the community by addressing the concerns the public brings to attention. The manager signs purchase orders and approves contracts and requisitions. Any movements that want to be approved within the county has to go through the County Manager. Another duty of the County Manager is to lead movements of economic development throughout the county. Good communication, people, problem solving, and financial skills are needed to perform this position.
Emergency Coordinator
The main duty of this position is preparing and taking action to natural disasters within a 3,200 mile radius of county lines. This position is a lot of in the field work as well as preparation with supplies.
Payroll Tech
The main duty of this position is dealing with personal records and files as well as payroll for all employees.
Solid Waste Manager
Set up accounts for every county resident and do the solid waste billing for every resident in the county.
Project Manager
This position oversees and is in charge of any and all projects within the county, such as road projects/improvements and the theater project.
Assistant Project Manager
This position works alongside the Project Manager and mainly does work in the field, checking progress on roads and other projects.
Information Technology
Maintains and repairs any and all technology throughout the county offices.
Finance Director
Ensures the budget is always balanced. This position also makes sure the county has the money to purchase what is needed and that the revenues we receive is deposited into the correct account.